We have a slightly different schedule now for training. We're doing the Austin Oyster Urban Adventure Race, which is October 28. We had to switch to the White Rock Half Marathon December 9, which means training will be ramped up pretty quickly following Austin. The marathon goal is still the same: Big D Texas Marathon, April 6, 2008.
So far, the Adventure training with teammate Ashley has been going well. We have a name, for one.
Intrepid Ambuscade. Meaning: "fearless or bold ambush." I figure that should strike fear in the hearts of our competitors (and maybe give us a head start?)
Running has been great; the miles haven't gotten too hard yet. Ashley joined us for a lovely 7 miles at White Rock Lake on Sunday. We felt good, despite our biking adventure the day before...
We bought vintage racing bikes from this retired guy who rebuilds them. The bikes are
awsesome. The just-under-20-miles, 2 hour bike ride over the rolling hills in Rockwall/Fate was a little much for a starting point, though. Especially when my front tire started to go flat. However, it was still a kick-butt ride, and we burned a ton of calories, which we promptly replenished with On the Border. We expected to be sore the next day, but the run was really unaffected. I guess it's true that they really do use different muscle groups.
Speaking of being sore, we went rollerblading in our future new neighborhood last night (that's right, we close on our house November 9!) All was going well until I hit something in the road on the way back to the car that sent me flying. Good thing I invested in the wrist guards. It's too bad I wasn't wearing my bike shorts for the extra butt padding...I'm sure feeling it today.
In other news, we've decided to choose food incentives for long run days. This weekend: The State Fair of Texas.