Monday, July 21, 2008

Key Run #1: Speedy speedy speedwork

Time: 7:45-8:45 PM
Weather: 96°, Sunny/Clear (but near dusk), 6 mph wind, 37% humidity
Course: Cain Middle School track
Workout: Warm-up, 3X1K with 400 meter RI, Cool-down
Total Workout Time: 52:00

Although it may not have actually been cooler for this run, it certainly felt cooler. The 1K speed work was much easier than the last two for a few reasons:
  1. The sun was not beating down on our faces, since it was on it's way down.
  2. The 1K pace was already slower than the 800s, and we had given ourselves a few extra seconds when we reworked our time goals.
  3. Our legs had fully recovered from the beating we gave them last week.
I felt really good during this workout. Hopefully this is a sign that the speed workouts will get more manageable. Also, David tried out a new strategy: wearing a bandana headband full of ice. Seemed to work well, too.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Key Run 3 - 8 Miles

Ack. For the first time since the latter parts of the last marathon training, I didn't make it. We decided that 8 miles would be a great distance to start visiting White Rock, and we got out there around 7:00, 30 minutes after I had planned on us arriving. We were to walk out about half a mile, and walk the last half of the ~9 mile course. Didn't happen that way.

My legs still hurt from Thursday's workout when we started, but all was going well until mile 4. Sometime during that mile, my quads started to hurt. By the start of mile 5, I could feel them fire every time I stepped back with that particular leg. Ack again.

I'll update with times later on. For now, it's Batman time.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Cross Train - Wall Ball

We bought a 12# medicine ball after seeing this workout come up, and today's WOD involved some equipment we don't have, so we got to experience the wall ball. A couple of notes... don't hit your face with a 12# ball, and 100 walking lunges still hurts.

For time:
50 Wall Ball
50 Steps Walking Lunge
50 Sit-ups
500 meter row
50 Sit-ups
50 Steps Walking Lunge
50 Wall Ball

David: 16:19
Lauren: 17:50

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Key Run #2: Tempo Run

Time: 7:15-8:00 PM
Weather: 90°, Sunny, 1 mph wind, 63% humidity
Course: 4 mile out-and-back through adjoining neighborhood, past the pool and up the giant hill.
Workout: 1 easy, 2 @ PMP, 1 easy

Not a good run for me. I was fine when we set out at our easy pace, but about a mile in when we picked up the pace, my right shoulder began to have sharp pains right beneath the blade. By the time we finished the second mile, it hurt so badly that it hurt all the way through my chest and I had to stop. After a stop, I was able to make it over a mile before it became so painful again that I had to take another walk break. We finished our easy mile, but I was wiped out.

I attribute the shoulder pain to the dips we did yesterday for Crossfit WOD. I think I was just so sore that it really started to hurt when my lungs and chest were forced to expand during the faster pace. Plus, I had a tense day at work, and was having trouble relaxing my shoulders. I'm hoping that the farther we get in our training the easier it will get to push ourselves all week long. I just look forward to that rest day on Friday...

Monday, July 14, 2008

Key Run #1: Kick butt speed work

Time: 7:15 - 8:00 PM
Weather: 90°, Sunny, little wind, 55% humidity
Course: Rubberized track, Cain Middle School
Workout: 4X800 with 2 minute recovery intervals; warm-up with slow run and strides
Goal Pace: 7:12/mile

This run was the closest I have ever come to passing out during a workout. The warm-ups were great; this was the first time to try doing strides before a workout (walking, then speeding up to race pace, then ending with knee-highs and butt-kicks) and I felt so much looser afterward. The 800's were a different story. The first two weren't that bad, although I did feel as though my lungs were about to collapse. It was the third one that got me, and I felt very dizzy and nauseated, so we decided that 3 was enough for today. After all, this is the second workout listed when we start the actual FIRST program in a few weeks, so I'm pretty impressed with how we're doing. I feel much stronger having pushed myself that hard. It's good to know that I can run that fast for a half mile if I put my mind to it.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Key Run 3 - 7 Miles

So this morning's run was probably the hardest run, mentally, of all of the runs I've made, even including the marathon. It must have been a combination of the strength workouts, the humidity, the direct sunlight, and the thai food we had last night, but we made it.

For the first time we're adhering to a strict water stop schedule, and I really think that's going to help pick up our speed. For now, we're going to run some errands and go see Hellboy 2 at 11:00. After that, it's cleaning the house until rock climbing in Frisco at 6:30.

Time: 7:00-8:05 AM
Course: Road & Gravel, SH 549
Weather: 78°, full sun w/ 2mph wind
Totals: 7 miles @ 9:22 average pace - Goal: 9:23 (PMP+30s)

Mile 1 @ 9:39 - Goal: 9:33
Miles 2-3 @ 9:09 - Goal: 9:03
Water Stop for 0:30
Miles 4-5 @ 9:19 - Goal: 9:13
Water Stop for 0:30
Miles 6-7 @ 9:12 - Goal: 9:13

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Cross Train 2

Crossfit Rockwall workout of the day:

For time:
500 meter row*
25 Knees to elbows
25 Power snatch, 75 lbs
25 Knees to elbows
25 Power snatch, 75 lbs
500 meter row*

*No rower? Sub 400 meter runs.

Time: 7:30-8:00 PM

Weather: 90°, sunny, 5 mph wind

Of course, since we didn't own a rowing macine or a bar, and since we're not yet quite that hardcore, we modified the workout just a bit. We substituted with dumbbell snatches and a 400m run, and some lighter weights.

David: 15:53 w/ 20lb snatches
Lauren: 17:31 w/ 10lb snatches and waist high knees to elbows

After such a hard week, my legs felt like jell-o and my lungs felt like they were about to collapse. But that means it's working, right? ;-)

Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Key Run 2 - Lactic Threshold Training

So last night the Run Less, Run Faster book came in, so we were able to read into the FIRST program a bit more. It's just the book we've been looking for I think. Scientific method, physiology, psychology, and a solid plan. We're basing this whole shebang on a 5k time of 24:00.

Time: 7:45-8:15 PM
Course: Rubberized Track, Cain Middle School
Weather: 92°, cloudy w/ 2mph wind
Totals: 3 miles @ 8:49 average pace

Mile 1 Easy @ 9:09 - Goal: 9:23
Mile 2 ST @ 8:03 - Goal: 8:00
Mile 3 Easy @ 9:13 - Goal: 9:35

I can see why things were a little tougher than I expected. We've got to slow down on our easy miles.

Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Cross Train 1

Today we attempted the Crossfit WOD, but because I don't think either of us is ready for it, we did a half Angie.

50 Pull-ups
50 Push-ups
50 Sit-ups
50 Squats

Times (Lauren/David)
Pull-ups: 6:50/6:45
Push-ups: 2:56/2:59
Sit-ups: 2:03/2:06
Squats: 2:10/2:01
Total: 14:00/13:50

We've got a ways to go ;-)

Monday, July 07, 2008

Key Run 1 - First Speed Workout

Tonight was our first speed workout on the FIRST training program, only modified, since we won't actually start the program until 16 weeks before the marathon. 3 x 400 at the track, with a 10 minute warm-up and 10 minute cool down, for a total of around 30 minutes. We maintained an 8:15 for each of the 400 meters, so I was pretty satisfied. We have a lot to do to speed up before the race, but luckily we still have 23 weeks to get ready.

Time: 7:30-8:00 PM
Course: Rubberized Track, Cain Middle School
Weather: 89°, mostly sunny w/ no wind
Totals: 3 miles @ 10:00 average pace

10 Min Warmpup @ 10:00
400 1: 2:06 @ 8:22
400 2: 2:04 @ 8:14
400 3: 2:04 @ 8:14
10 Min Cooldown @ 10:00

We kept speeding up near the end, so although we were both tired from running the day before (and I had a headache), I think that's a good sign that we'll be able to really pick it up next week for our speed work.

Sunday, July 06, 2008

6 Miles at Buffalo Creek

Lauren and I were joined by Richard Coulombe for our run today. I got it in our heads that Lauren would be ready to start training at an 8:30/mi as I really think I could do it after maintaining at least 80% of my current endurance level since the marathon.

We started at around 7:30 at Cain Middle School with our route taking us through Buffalo Creek. 3 miles out and back with stops every 2 miles wasthe plan. I think a combination of one last day filled with a moderate amount of junk and the heat/humidity did us in. I'm looking forward to the end of summer. Final breakdown below.

Time: 7:30-8:30 AM
Course: Concrete on rolling hills, Bufallo Creek
Weather: 78°, full sun w/ 8mph wind
Totals: 6 miles @ 9:13 Average Pace

Mile 1: 8:20 @ 8:21
Mile 2: 16:50 @ 8:30
Mile 3: 25:44 @ 8:54
Mile 4: 35:51 @ 10:07
Mile 5: 45:19 @ 9:28
Mile 6: 55:25 @ 10:06