Saturday, October 11, 2008

Reimer's Ranch climbing

We went camping and climbing outside Austin today. We spent the day
climbing at Reimer's Ranch with Steve, his two friends Cameron and Emily, and Shaheena and Francisco. David and I each led our first climb on a route called "Roly Poly Coco Kitty" on Dead Cats wall, a 5.7. The entire route was bolted, making it a little easier than the route Eli was leading us on in Estes Park, but it was a great first route.

The rest of the trip was nice, very easygoing, with a great group of people. They're also terrific climbers, so it was nice to watch their techniques - including Steve's crazy lead up a ridiculous climb to set a top rope, and joking about Emily's "sea lion technique" on that same route. We came back from climbing tired and sore and took a dip in the lake to wash off before settling down to bratwurst for dinner.

The pups had an absolute BLAST! They love camping. They were nervous when we were actually climbing and they were tied up, though. They kept whining, which usually isn't something they do for very long, but I think they were just worried about us. They had a long, fun day and even let us sleep in until 7:30!

1 comment:

Amanda said...

I want to be friends with the person who named the climb, "Roly Poly Coco Kitty".