Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Latest and greatest from Grease

Per David's request, we're "switching gears" on this blog, so to speak. Rather than this just being a blog about running and/or other fitness activities we participate in, we're going to use this as a family blog. Since we do a lot of running/biking/rock climbing/etc, there will still be a lot of that, just with other stuff in between.

To kick us off, this post is about Grease. I'm in it. At the Rockwall Community Playhouse. If you haven't heard, I'm playing Patty Simcox, the preppy, pretty, goody-goody, snobby cheerleader who has eyes for Danny. A very fun role, too. Patty may be a supporting character, but she's a little more "over the top" than some of the others, so she's been very fun to play. The cast is FANTASTIC, with ages ranging from 14 to...mid 30's? I'm amazed by their talent, too. It has been an absolute pleasure to work on the show, and when I say work, I mean WORK. It is so worth it, though!

For a sneak peek, here are some photos David took at rehearsal: http://www.flickr.com/photos/allisonkrewe/sets/72157604787596721/

We've had our share of ups and downs, with plenty of drama and angst sprinkled in, but I am positive that by opening night our crowd will be getting a great show.

1 comment:

Kris said...

We're excited about seeing it. We have tickets for Saturday the 17th at 2PM....it will be our first date since the baby. I would say break a leg, but considering the circumstances, I'll stick with Good Luck!