Monday, January 28, 2008

15 miles, and 10 weeks to go

Our 15 mile run was yesterday, and I think it went really well. We chugged along at a slower than usual pace, but we finished, and it was a really enjoyable run. A lot of conversation, cool but not cold weather, and beautiful scenery like sail boats and birds made the run go by pretty quickly. I know my teammates are hurting some today, but I am really not. My legs feel great, much better than even after last week's 10. I think the lack of hills helped a lot. Those hills on the 13 mile route killed me.

The course for 15 miles was around White Rock Lake, with the addition of 5 or so extra miles of White Rock Creek Trail. This was our first time on the trail, and it was nice for a change. We plan on running the 7.5 miles up and back for 15 of next week's run, then running the other two miles at the lake.

We also have plans for a massage the day after this weekend's run. I think we're all long overdue.

This weekend also ends my chocolate hiatus, so you know where I'll be after Saturday's long run: Cold Stone. Oh yeah.

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