Monday, February 05, 2007

6 under 60

We did it! David and I managed to run 6 miles in under 60 minutes, something that neither of us has ever done before. We averaged less than a 10 minute mile throughout, including two short walks. Overall, it was a great run for both speed and endurance. It also made both of us feel very good about ourselves.

Of course, we'll be slowing it down A LOT this weekend. This should be a much more challenging week, with a 5 mile run on Thursday and two 3 mile runs before the 9 miles on Sunday, but I feel ready for it.

David and I have finally gotten past a big hurdle in our weight loss: David is now below 200, putting him only about 9 pounds from his goal; I am down to 147, putting me about 7 pounds (maybe more) from my goal.

Imagine running with a 35-or-so pound sack of potatoes on your back.

Now imagine how much easier it would be to run without that sack of potatoes.

That's one reason why David and I are so excited about our weight loss.

The other, of course, is the fact that we look FREAKIN HOT.

Not to be conceited or anything...

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