Friday, February 22, 2008

A little anxiety

We have 19 miles scheduled for this weekend. So far, the weather looks lovely: high of 68, nice and sunny. Unfortunately, though, David may not be joining us for the run. Although his foot isn't necessarily injured, it is going to take him getting used to a new supportive insole before he can start running again. That means he may be out for this weekend. I plan on calling Ashley this afternoon and seeing if she's still in, because if her foot injury is still giving her too much trouble, she may be needing a weekend off, too. If so, though, I still want to go...which means I may be trying to trek 19 miles on my own. That doesn't sound like much fun. Guys, anything I can do to coax your feet into recovery faster? Foot massage? Chocolate? You know chocolate can fix just about anything but a weight problem.

So, wish us luck for this weekend. As for weekday runs, as much as I do miss having David along, I have enjoyed getting in a little more weekly mileage at a faster pace. Although when David came with me last week, he sure did push me for our 4 mile run. It was a nice change of pace (no pun intended) to have him pushing our speed.

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