Friday, March 14, 2008

The "S" word

That's right: Surgery.

I met with the orthopedic surgeon yesterday afternoon. He poked and prodded and bent and twisted my knee. Then, he viewed the MRI. He said that my physical exam does NOT match up with my MRI. I'm feeling very little pain, except when I'm running. According to the MRI, I should hardly be able to walk, much less do squats, but I can do both pain-free. The MRI shows a nice, bright white line right through the medial meniscus of my left knee. The options Dr. Hazel gave me: surgery or surgery. So, I picked surgery, the sooner the better. And soon it is! I will be having the first surgery of my life on Wednesday of next week. As you can see in the diagram on the right, he will be removing the bucket.

I'm a little nervous about it, but not much. He will be removing the damaged part of the meniscus instead of repairing it, which means the recovery time will be relatively short. I should be on crutches for two days, then hopefully biking in 1-2 weeks and running in 4-6 weeks. I'm hoping that I am a quick healer, because dance rehearsals for Grease begin exactly two weeks after my surgery. The marathon is of course out of the question, but hopefully I'll be in good enough shape to travel to different check points along the route so I can hold signs and scream my lungs out for David and Ashley.

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