Weather: 96°, Sunny/Clear (but near dusk), 6 mph wind, 37% humidity
Course: Cain Middle School track
Workout: Warm-up, 3X1K with 400 meter RI, Cool-down
Total Workout Time: 52:00
Although it may not have actually been cooler for this run, it certainly felt cooler. The 1K speed work was much easier than the last two for a few reasons:
- The sun was not beating down on our faces, since it was on it's way down.
- The 1K pace was already slower than the 800s, and we had given ourselves a few extra seconds when we reworked our time goals.
- Our legs had fully recovered from the beating we gave them last week.
Crossfit Rockwall workout of the day:
For time:
500 meter row*
25 Knees to elbows
25 Power snatch, 75 lbs
25 Knees to elbows
25 Power snatch, 75 lbs
500 meter row*
*No rower? Sub 400 meter runs.
Time: 7:30-8:00 PM
Weather: 90°, sunny, 5 mph wind
Of course, since we didn't own a rowing macine or a bar, and since we're not yet quite that hardcore, we modified the workout just a bit. We substituted with dumbbell snatches and a 400m run, and some lighter weights.
David: 15:53 w/ 20lb snatches
Lauren: 17:31 w/ 10lb snatches and waist high knees to elbows
After such a hard week, my legs felt like jell-o and my lungs felt like they were about to collapse. But that means it's working, right? ;-)