Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Key Run #2: Tempo Run

Time: 7:15-8:00 PM
Weather: 90°, Sunny, 1 mph wind, 63% humidity
Course: 4 mile out-and-back through adjoining neighborhood, past the pool and up the giant hill.
Workout: 1 easy, 2 @ PMP, 1 easy

Not a good run for me. I was fine when we set out at our easy pace, but about a mile in when we picked up the pace, my right shoulder began to have sharp pains right beneath the blade. By the time we finished the second mile, it hurt so badly that it hurt all the way through my chest and I had to stop. After a stop, I was able to make it over a mile before it became so painful again that I had to take another walk break. We finished our easy mile, but I was wiped out.

I attribute the shoulder pain to the dips we did yesterday for Crossfit WOD. I think I was just so sore that it really started to hurt when my lungs and chest were forced to expand during the faster pace. Plus, I had a tense day at work, and was having trouble relaxing my shoulders. I'm hoping that the farther we get in our training the easier it will get to push ourselves all week long. I just look forward to that rest day on Friday...

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