Monday, July 21, 2008

Key Run #1: Speedy speedy speedwork

Time: 7:45-8:45 PM
Weather: 96°, Sunny/Clear (but near dusk), 6 mph wind, 37% humidity
Course: Cain Middle School track
Workout: Warm-up, 3X1K with 400 meter RI, Cool-down
Total Workout Time: 52:00

Although it may not have actually been cooler for this run, it certainly felt cooler. The 1K speed work was much easier than the last two for a few reasons:
  1. The sun was not beating down on our faces, since it was on it's way down.
  2. The 1K pace was already slower than the 800s, and we had given ourselves a few extra seconds when we reworked our time goals.
  3. Our legs had fully recovered from the beating we gave them last week.
I felt really good during this workout. Hopefully this is a sign that the speed workouts will get more manageable. Also, David tried out a new strategy: wearing a bandana headband full of ice. Seemed to work well, too.

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